
Library Catalogue in 1905        

Charity 504538

Governing Document - DEED POLL DATED 29TH APRIL 1909

To all to whom these presents shall come JOHN WILLIAMSON PUGH of 45 Upper Rock Gardens Brighton in the county of Sussex Doctor of Medicine ALBAN WILLIAMS JONES of Whitehall Pennant in the Parish of Llanbadarn Trefeglwys in the County of Cardigan butcher WILLIAM TIMOTHY JONES of Garnfach in the Parish of Llansantffread in the said County of Cardigan Farmer EVAN MORGAN JONES of Cross Inn in the said Parish of Llanbadarn Trefeglwys and County of Cardigan Licensed Victualler THOMAS EDOUARD YOUNG of Llandyssul in the said County of Cardigan Police Constable and EVAN MORGAN of the Green Merchant WILLIAM SINNETT JONES of Carlton retired Master Mariner EVAN MORRIS JONES of Clyde Vale Draper and Grocer DAVID THOMAS MORGAN of Dauntless Tailor and Draper JOHN DANIEL JONES of Shop Newydd Grocer JOHN MORGAN EVANS of Felinfach Builder DAVID LLOYD DAVIES of Lima House Tailor and Draper JOHN REES JONES of Birmingham house Cabinet Maker JOHN LEWIS GRIFFITHS of Brodawel Carrier JOHN JENKINS of Morwylfa retired Master Mariner JENKIN ALBAN GRIFFITHS of Cledan View Master Mariner JOHN JAMES JONES of Harriston Tailor JOHN RICHARDS of Penbanc retired Master Mariner EVAN DAVIES JONES of Bristol house Tailor and Draper THOMAS RHYS DAVIES of the Tonn Schoolmaster DANIEL RICHARDS of Panteg retired Master Mariner JOHN DAVIES of Francis Square retired Master Mariner DAVID DAVIES of Number 1 Bridge Street Blacksmith THOMAS MORGAN of Cadwgan Villa retired Master Mariner JOHN CLARKE of Whitehall Inn Licensed victualler and DAVID JONES of Tygwyn retired Mariner all in the village of Llanon in the said Parish of Llansantffraed and County of Cardigan SEND GREETING

WHEREAS the above named persons have collected the sum of One hundred and sixty pounds for the establishment and maintenance of the library and reading room hereinafter mentioned and they have also received divers gifts of books furniture and other articles (an inventory whereof is annexed to these presents) for the purpose of the said library and reading room AND WHEREAS  the above named persons are desirous of  declaring the trusts of the said sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds and of the said books furniture and other articles in manner hereinafter appearing NOW THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT IT IS HEREBY DECLARED as follows:-

1.  THE above-named persons and the survivors and survivor of them and other the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of theses presents (all of whom are hereinafter included in the expression "the Trustees") will stand possessed of the said sum of One Hundred and Sixty Pounds and all moneys which may hereafter be given for the general purposes of the library and reading room hereinafter mentioned or which may be received by the Trustees hereunder (all of which sums are hereinafter included in the expression "the Trust Fund")  UPON TRUST to apply the same in establishing and maintaining in perpetuity in accordance with these presents and with and subject to the powers and provisions hereinafter contained a library and reading room in the Village of Llanon in the Parish of Llansantffead in the county of Cardigan (hereinafter called "the trust premises").

2.  THE Trustees will hold the said books furniture and other articles given as aforesaid and all books and other articles and things purchased as hereinafter mentioned or otherwise acquired for the general purposes of the trust premises (all of which are hereinafter included in the expression "the books and furniture")  UPON TRUST for the purposes of and as part of the trust premises and (subject and without prejudice to the powers and provisions herein contained) to permit the same to be used accordingly

3.  THE trust premises shall be called the "Llanon Library and Reading-Room" or other such title as may from time to time be decided upon by the Trustees.

4.  THE trust premises shall be located at such place in the Village of Llanon aforesaid as the Trustees shall from time to time determine

5.  THE general public or such portions thereof as the Trustees shall from time to time think proper shall subject to the regulations for the time being in force under the next succeeding clause hereof have access to and be at liberty to use the trust premises

6.  THE Trustees shall have the absolute management and entire control of the trust premises and the Trust Fund and may make rescind and alter such regulations (not being inconsistent with these presents) as they mat think fit with respect to the purposes for which the manner in which the persons by whom the terms and conditions on which and the times when the trust premises shall be used and otherwise as the Trustees shall think necessary for the purposes of these presents or in connection with the execution of any of the trusts or powers herein contained and the Trustees may at ant time (notwithstanding anything herein contained) impose a charge for the use of the trust premises on all or any persons using the same

7.  THE Trustees may apply any part of the Trust Fund in the purchase of such books pamphlets manuscripts reports pictures maps periodicals newspapers and other documents and such furniture stationery cards games billiard tables and other things as they may at any time deem expedient and may also at any time sell or otherwise dispose of any books furniture and other articles so given as aforesaid or any books or other articles or things purchased under this clause or otherwise acquired for the general purposes of the trust premises and all moneys arising from the sale or other disposition as aforesaid shall be deemed to be part of the Trust Fund and shall be applicable accordingly

8.  THE Trustees may at any time or times and when they shall think expedient apply any part of the Trust Fund in acquiring by purchase or on lease or otherwise any freehold copyhold or leasehold hereditaments as a site for or as part of the site of the trust premises and in erecting or pulling down and rebuilding or enlarging improving or altering at any time and from time to time any buildings on such site or any part thereof and in fitting up the same or any part thereof as the Trustees may think desirable for the purposes of the trust premises and may from time to time set apart any part or parts of the Trust Fund and accumulate the same by investing the same and the resulting income thereof in the names of the Trustees or any of them or of such other persons as they shall from time to time direct in any investments hereinafter authorised as a building fund with a view to its being applied as and when the Trustees shall think fit for the purposes aforesaid or any of them

9.  ANY hereditaments acquired under the last preceding clause hereof shall be conveyed or demised to or otherwise vested in the Trustees or such persons as they shall from time to time direct

10. THE Trustees shall be at liberty at any time to sell any hereditaments acquired as aforesaid or any other hereditaments which may be for the time being subject to the trusts of these presents with power to buy in and re-sell the same without being responsible for any loss that may thereby be incurred AND in case of any such sale all persons in whom the hereditaments sold may be vested shall execute and do all such deeds and acts for the purpose of carrying out such sale into effect as the Trustees may direct AND all moneys arising from any sale shall be deemed to be part of the Trust Fund and shall be applicable accordingly

11. THE Trustees may at any time permit any part of any premises in which the trust premises shall be for the time being be located (including any premises acquired as aforesaid) to be used either gratuitously or otherwise for lectures soirees meetings or otherwise provided that the use thereof as and for the purposes of the trust premises shall not be thereby interfered with but the said premises or any part thereof shall not be used for the purposes of any particular church religious body or political party but not to prevent the Trustees from letting the same for meetings of committees connected with any particular church body or party provided that they offer to let the same on the like terms for meetings of committees of all other churches bodies or parties requiring the same AND the Trustees may at any time let in such a manner and on such terms as they may think fit any part of any premises acquired as aforesaid which may not be immediately required for the purposes of the trust premises

12. THE Trustees may at any time appoint upon such terms as they may determine a librarian a clerk and a treasurer together with such other officials and servants as the Trustees mat deem expedient for the purpose of maintaining and carrying on the trust premises or for any other purpose connected with the trusts of these presents and may at any time remove any such official or servant

13 THE Trustees may pay out of the Trust Fund all rent rates taxes costs of insurance repairs and other outgoings at any time payable in respect of the premises in which the trust premises shall from time to time be located (including any premises acquired as aforesaid) and all expenses of insuring the books and furniture against damage by fire or otherwise and all expenses of any sale effected pursuant to Clauses 7 and 10 hereof and may also pay out of the Trust Fund the salaries and wages of all officials and servants and all other expenses of and incidental to maintaining and carrying on the trust premises or the management of the Trust Fund or any purposes connected with the trusts of these presents

14. THE Trustees shall from time to time set apart as an Endowment Fund such part or parts (if any) of the Trust Fund as may in their judgment be so set apart safely and without prejudice to the due maintenance and carrying on of the trust premises or to the execution of any of the trusts or powers herein contained and all sums constituting the Endowment Fund shall be invested by the Trustees in their names or the names of any of them or in the names of such other persons as they shall from time to time direct in any investments hereinafter mentioned with power at any time to vary any such investments AND the Endowment Fund and all investments at any time representing the same shall be held upon trust that the income thereof shall be applied in perpetuity in like manner and for the like purposes as and for which the Trust Fund may be applied under the provisions of these presents

15. THE Trustees mat at any time appoint or make provision for the appointment of ant persons (including all or any of the Trustees) as governors or committee men or otherwise for the purpose of discharging such functions in connection with the library or the management of the Trust Fund or otherwise in relation to the execution of the trusts of these presents and in such manner and subject to such regulations as the Trustees may prescribe and may also at ant time appoint or provide for the appointment of separate Trustees to hold any hereditaments acquired or any building fund or endowment fund formed as aforesaid or any other properties investments or funds at any time subject to the trusts of these presents in such manner and subject to such regulations as the Trustees may from time to time think fit and may also give to any governors committee men or separate trustees as aforesaid any special privileges in connection with the trust premises and may delegate to one or more of the Trustees or to any body of governors or to any committee or separate trustees as aforesaid any of the trusts or powers vested in or exercisable by the Trustees under these presents

16. THE Trustees may from time to time open and maintain in their names or any such separate Trustees as aforesaid a banking account or banking accounts at such banks as they shall from time to time decide and may at any time pay or cause to be paid any moneys forming part of the Trust Fund (including any building fund or endowment fund formed as aforesaid) to the credit of any such account or accounts or place or cause to be placed the same on deposit with any banker or bankers AND any moneys at any time subject to the trusts of these presents (whether forming part of the Building Fund or Endowment Fund or otherwise)  and requiring investment may be invested at the discretion of the Trustees in any of the investments for the time being permitted by law for the investment of trust funds with power for the Trustees at their discretion from time to time to vary any such investment for any other of like nature

17. ALL or any of the trusts and powers vested in or exercisable by the Trustees under these presents shall so long as there shall be not less than five Trustees hereof be capable of being performed or exercised by a majority of the Trustees hereof for the time being and any action or decision of such majority shall be as valid and effectual as it would have been if done or made by all the Trustees for the time being

18. THE number of Trustees shall at all times be kept up to not less than five and in the event of the number becoming at any time by death or otherwise reduced below that number new Trustees shall be appointed and upon any new appointment the number of Trustees shall if possible be made up to at least half the original number but nevertheless any acts or proceedings of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being in the interval before such new appointment shall not be invalidated by reason of the number of existing Trustees being less than five in number

IN WITNESS whereof the said parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands and seals on the day of the date of their respective execution of these presents as appears in the third column of the schedule hereto







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